1- Ghoghre, S., & Singh, T. (2016). Relationship of Maternal Depression during pregnancy and Risk of Preeclampsia. IRA-International Journal of Applied Sciences (ISSN 2455-4999),4(3), 541-542. (Indexing inCASSI | WorldCat Discovery Service | CrossRef Metadata Search | ROAD | Microsoft Academic Search | Google Scholar | Semantic Scholar | OCLC Connected Libraries | Airiti | CNK Scholar | CNKI | ECONBIZ | J Gate | BASE- Bielefeild Academic Search Engine | Scilit | EZB | ZDB | ZBW | PKP Index)
2- Ghoghre,S. (2016). Association of pregnancy anxiety and the risk of hypertensive disorder during pregnancy. . IRA-International Journal of Applied Sciences (ISSN 2455-4999),5(1), 22-28. (Indexing inCASSI | WorldCat Discovery Service | CrossRef Metadata Search | ROAD | Microsoft Academic Search | Google Scholar | Semantic Scholar | OCLC Connected Libraries | Airiti | CNK Scholar | CNKI | ECONBIZ | J Gate | BASE- Bielefeild Academic Search Engine | Scilit | EZB | ZDB | ZBW | PKP Index)
3. Ghoghre Sharda.(2016). Role of Psychological, Socio-demographic and Biomedical variables in prediction of Preeclampsia. AARF-International Research Journal of Human resources and Social Sciences. Vol.3, Issue 10,ISSN(O):(2349-4085) ISSN (P):2394-4218),49-62. (Indexing in UGC Approved, UGC Care, Scus and Webof Science).